Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is the difference between spirituality, religion, and church?

The response trades on an important insight found in Buddhist teachings.

The IRFWP link provides the entire response to this question.

Amplify’d from
Recently a Quora participant posted this question: "What
is the difference between spirituality, religion, and church?

have heard people say they are all the same (almost like a three in
one) and others say they are very different ideas."
This is an excellent and important question.
especially important in our current time because
a great many people have interest in and seriousness toward the
spiritual dimensions of life (both personally and communally), but
have come to have serious misgivings about what they perceive or
understand to be "religion," and "church." Heard
constantly "I'm spiritual, but I am not religious." If
pressed, the average person who describes him or herself so often is
incapable of explaining this declaration any further, but it becomes
clear that the core impulse in the declaration is that "religion"
is bad, but "spirituality" is good.

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