Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas sermons of Pope Benedict and Archbishop Rowan Williams

I published this article today

Amplify’d from
The three core tragedies associated with Christianity's early break from Judaism are: 1. Christianity's resultant other-worldliness, 2. Christianity's difficulty to access the person they follow and worship, and get a clearer sense and understanding of what this particular Israeli was trying to explain and demonstrate, and 3. The mismatch to have a religion with such influence in world affairs itself be so deeply other-worldly in its core worldview.
This disconnect, and this "half-ness" was strongly evident in the Christmas sermons of two of the most powerful religious leaders in the world today, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, head of the Church of England, and Pope Benedict XVI, head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Archbishop of Canterbury  Rowan Williams
Pope Benedict XVI
The enduring breach between Judaism and Christianity cripples the voice of spiritual guidance needed in our time.

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