Saturday, December 4, 2010

Julian Assange and Wikileaks: What is lost, what is gained

Everyone has a take on Assange and Wikileaks. Here's mine. I published this article this morning.

Amplify’d from
New York
On November 28, 2010, Julian Assange, editor in chief of Wikileaks (founded 2006) released 251,287 US diplomatic cables including many labeled classified or secret.
Julian Assange
US diplomats stand trial for their foibles, their faux pas, their candor, and their arrogance. But to revel and delight in this, and to wag a soiled finger in 'there-theres' during America's embarrassing moment is short-sighted, ill-advised, and plain wrong.
There is nothing new or to be learned that such communications are the fabric of international, political relations dominated as they are by unvarnished, national self interest?
If friends and foes are in the mood to lecture the United States, it need not be in the shallow pretense of shock that diplomacy is as everyone already knows it is, but rather it should be for what should evoke genuine anger, namely that the US has proven so lax, disordered, and inept in its capacity to protect sensitive materials.
Will this dump help a single everyman who is affected and oppressed by the closedness of systems and structures in which we try to carry out our daily lives? No, not in the least. In fact Assange has just made matters worse in this regard
The negatively inspired exposure and pointless embarrassment of US diplomats has drained from our world another drop of the single most needed quality in all constructive relationships, trust

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